
Exploring the Current Use of Data Analytics in Digital Marketing

Data analytics in digital marketing makes for a robust methodology. Data-informed digital marketing efforts often result in more conversions through sales. But what is data analytics, and how does marketing actually benefit from it? Defining Data Analytics Data analytics is the field of research that transforms raw data into insights. The study of data previously fell to mathematicians and statisticians but now relies on automated processes. In turn, data analysts need to be familiar with the algorithms that make up the core of the profession and how to apply them to different data sets. The Role of Data Analysis in […]

A Guide to Activism in the Digital Age

Technology is accelerating the rate at which ideas, relationships, and information are shared. As such, social media is revolutionizing communication and access to information on both a national and global scale. Mass distribution and the ability to effortlessly share information has influenced many facets of modern life, changing the way we think about, connect to, and engage with social justice and activism. How Social Media and Activism Work Together People have discovered new ways to communicate and collaborate through social media. Features such as feeds, profiles, and groups on social platforms provide global access to organizations that can promote and increase visibility […]

Attending an Online College or University in Missouri

Thanks to the rise of the internet and other technological advances, online college and university degree programs are more plentiful than ever before. According to figures from the U.S. Education Department’s National Center for Education Statistics, while postsecondary enrollment dropped by nearly 90,000 students from 2016 to 2017, the number of students pursuing coursework online grew by 350,000. This trend should continue to grow as cutting-edge tools make online learning even more accessible, engaging, and effective. Take virtual reality capabilities, for example: VR devices can be used for all sorts of purposes, from creating virtual labs for chemistry experiments to […]

Important Life Lessons You Can Learn from a College Education

When you make the decision to earn your college degree, you likely have a specific goal in mind. Maybe you’re looking to earn an undergraduate degree to help you land your dream job. Perhaps you need advanced credentials to qualify for a promotion. Or maybe you’re thinking about a career change, and you’re looking to learn an entirely new profession. Earning a college degree can help you accomplish all of those things. But there are additional, less-obvious benefits of a college education that can be just as crucial. Developing your communication skills, becoming more efficient at time management, and changing […]

Women in STEM: A Guide to Bridging the Gender Gap

Historically, women have been systematically excluded from higher education. Although we’ve made great progress in opening education to women in recent decades, there is still a great deal of work to be done. This is especially true in the STEM fields, which see a great imbalance of male to female students compared to other college degree programs. Although the STEM acronym wouldn’t be coined until the 1980s, the United States first began to push STEM-related fields heavily in the late 1950s when the government passed the National Defense Education Act in response to the launch of Sputnik. The Soviet satellite spurred the U.S. to pour billions of dollars into […]

How We Become Ourselves: Exploring Human Development in Psychology

Why are we the way we are? It’s one of the oldest questions in human existence. After all, human beings are nothing more than 46 chromosomes, their genetic instructions duplicated across trillions of cells. Despite the fact that 99.9% of our DNA is identical, all 7.5 billion people on Earth are unique. We have different personalities, wants, needs, and likes. How is that possible? Developmental psychology is the study of how and why individuals turn out the way they do. This discipline examines growth and change throughout the human lifespan, studying factors that influence habits, personality, preferences, and health. Dedicated […]

Digital Marketing Trends Marketers Need to Know

The world of marketing is going digital. According to the business publication CMO, digital marketing will account for 87% of companies’ marketing budgets by 2022. Americans spend a lot of time engaging with digital platforms, including an average of two hours a day on social media alone, according to Entrepreneur. That trend doesn’t look like it will slow down anytime soon. Smartphones, smart watches, smart billboards, computers, and tablets all offer opportunities for companies to market their products and services digitally. Marketing professionals must equip themselves with the skills and tools to take advantage of these trends, marketing to consumers […]

Women in STEM

While serious obstacles remain and gender disparity stubbornly persists, the outlook for women choosing careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics is brighter than ever. Two trends are converging at the right time: Societal misconceptions about women in technology fields are being blown up just as industry’s need for skilled tech professionals skyrockets. The current state of women in STEM is a case of good news/better news. The good news is the growing awareness of the challenges women and girls face in these important fields. Universities, professional associations, and tech industries are redoubling their efforts to encourage women and girls […]

How Predictive Analytics in Healthcare Saves Lives

Wouldn’t it be great if your doctor could anticipate changes in your health before they happened? With predictive analytics, a doctor could look at your charts and anticipate if you would get the flu, develop psoriasis, or have a stroke. With that kind of information, you could mitigate threats to your health. The potential exists for doctors to test babies at birth, reading their genes to develop a picture of their health throughout their entire lives. Though some of the applications of data in healthcare haven’t come to fruition yet, many doctors and researchers are utilizing predictive analytics to improve […]

Why Are Data Scientists in High Demand?

This is a great time to be a data scientist. An August 2018 LinkedIn report declared that the demand for data scientists is “off the charts.” The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) expects the job market for data scientists to grow at a rate more than triple the national average. The job site Glassdoor also ranked data scientist jobs as the best in the United States in 2019, marking the occupation’s fourth consecutive year atop that list. Industries across the country need data scientists, and this demand doesn’t appear to be changing anytime soon. Becoming a data scientist doesn’t […]