Modern society, in the U.S. as well as around the world, now relies on technology more than ever before, and there are no clear and present signs that this trend is going to slow down by any significant degree anytime soon, let alone pause in the near future. By extension, it stands to reason that cybersecurity would rise exponentially in importance. To some extent, that’s exactly what has happened during the past several years. Despite the occurrence of quite a few high-profile cyber attacks within the last decade, information security occupies a role of considerable importance to many, even on […]
Companies today are thinking in new and innovative ways about what makes a qualified and valuable employee. On the surface, the definition seems obvious: Someone who fits a list of professional and educational characteristics is the right fit for a particular role. That narrow view disregards the way a modern office works, however. Someone with all the technical, “hard” knowledge to complete day-to-day duties may still fail to make a positive impact due to an inability to communicate effectively, or work productively with teammates. Interpersonal abilities and compatibility with a workplace’s unique practices and culture – these are “soft skills,” […]

For data to be used effectively and shared between business entities, it must be stripped of all identifiable characteristics in a way that does not render it useless to analytics algorithms. The practice of data anonymization and de-identification walks a thin line between data that can be used for analysis and data that divulges too much personal information and violates privacy rights. Unfortunately, we have learned through experience that there is no such thing as “completely secure” when it comes to computers and the internet. Companies that take advantage of data analytics must continually refine and adapt data procedures for […]
Digital business is the order of the day in nearly every field today. To rise to the top of an industry, a company needs to be on the cutting edge of technology. Instead of fitting in with their peers, the most ambitious and effective organizations are disrupting their respective industries. This is the playing field executives have to compete on. The new state of affairs raises an important question: Does a Master of Business Administration degree still matter? Can this longtime mark of business knowledge still hold weight in a world that has changed so radically in recent years? Any […]
For accountants, stepping away from work to relax and recharge can seem like an impossible task. In any profession, high achievers may be tempted to keep working in the evenings, over the weekend, and even while on vacation, as smartphones, tablets, and work-issued laptops make it easier to work remotely than ever before. That’s why unplugging can seem like an unwise choice if you want to get ahead. But the truth is accounting executives and high-earning professionals in a variety of fields know that taking meaningful breaks from work is one of the keys to success. Discover why taking breaks […]
While corporate America continues to devote more and more resources to technology, analytics, security, and product development, the demand for skilled software designers is steadily increasing. Not too long ago, if you wanted to call in a to-go order at a nearby restaurant, you would have had to pull out a phonebook (or open a web browser), look up the restaurant’s number, and actually phone in an order. Today, we can open a restaurant’s app on our phones, place an order, schedule a time for pickup or delivery, watch the delivery person inch closer to your house in real-time via […]
The application of deep-learning data analytics to genomics (the study and mapping of gene sequences) can achieve amazing feats that were impossible just a few years ago. Genome analytics can allow doctors to spot life-threatening diseases long before they become a threat, farmers to engineer better crops, and nutritionists to fashion precise diets tailored to a person’s specific dietary needs. But there’s a rub — privacy rights. Healthcare, pharmaceutical, and agricultural industries now hire data analytics specialists to study massive amounts of genome data to derive insights that will revolutionize almost every aspect of research and development – all while […]
Corporate America is turning to data analytics, machine learning, and business intelligence to answer the following questions of business operations, marketing campaigns, and other important management decisions: What’s wrong?What’s going to happen next?Is this going to work? In order for these questions to be answered accurately and in a timely manner, programmers are being asked to develop software capable of harnessing the full potential of Big Data. Aspiring developers can prepare for programming positions in data-heavy organizations or cloud service providers with a Master of Science in Software Development degree. With more companies becoming dependent on data analytics, developers with […]
The road to a career in higher education as a student fresh out of college is similar to what long-distance runners must do to complete a marathon: it takes dedication, perseverance, time and most important of all preparation. With a Doctor of Education in Higher Education Leadership from Maryville University, you’ve reached the 25th mile marker. But to complete the trek and cross the finish line, one final push is necessary: landing the job. In order to join the approximately 175,100 people in the U.S. who count themselves as higher education administrators, the following are a few example questions you […]
Network security breaches wreak havoc on healthcare organizations. One hole in a hospital’s cybersecurity network can expose sensitive patient data for those with malicious intent to take and use to their advantage. Electronic health records (EHRs) can be encrypted and made useless by hackers who often demand a ransom in exchange for their encryption key. And sensitive data can be sold all over the world. For a healthcare business to remain compliant with the guidelines and requirements set forth by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), it must safeguard its patients’ and clients’ personal information. An integral policy of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), HIPAA is a federal law that protects sensitive health information […]