Why is accreditation important?
When you’re searching for the right university or program to fit your needs, you want assurance that you will get a high-quality education. That’s the kind of assurance accreditation can provide.
Regional accreditation is typically granted institutionally to a college or university to indicate that it conforms to an established standard of quality. Accreditation serves to validate the educational experience a university offers, so you can enroll with confidence that you will have access to a top-level education recognized universally by universities and employers.
When you enroll at an accredited university like Maryville, you can be assured that the educational experience has been vetted by experts across the board. In addition to evaluating academics, the HLC assesses other areas of institutional operation, such as university governance, finances, ethical conduct, and resources. In this way, regional accreditation is the highest standard of accountability and validation to which a university can aspire.